Pecha Kucha

6 photographers shows 20 pictures each

6 photographers shows 20 pictures each. Each picture is shown for exactly 20 seconds and during that time the photographer can put his/her words on the pictures.
Pecha Kucha (Japanese for “chit chat”) is the world’s fastest-growing storytelling platform, used by millions around the globe. The format is demanding, not only for the photographer, but also for the audience. Pecha Kucha was developed at an Architect company in Japan 2003.

Gothenburg Street Photo Festival proudly presents 6 members of Gothenburg Street Photo Club and each and everyone attends with 20 own taken pictures and their own words.
The Photographers: Eva Boije af Gennäs, Jari Kokko, Linda Svensson, Manfred Svärd, Anna Lithander och Gunnar Fägersten Novik.

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